That was just brutal.
The chance at immortality went up in flash…or as quickly as Eli Manning found a way to avoid a sack and toss up a prayer. And with that play, you just knew it wasn’t going to be for the Patriots.
You would think after the run we’ve had in Boston that this shouldn’t be that big of a deal. But to lose such a shot at history, well, it just stings.
I won’t go so far as to say this was as worse at the 2003 Sox lose, but its there…or maybe it is worse. There is something in me that says this may be the start of a downward trend. It’s as if the clock may have finally stuck midnight and we are about to descend back into the pain we Boston sports fans are so accustomed to. I’d like to think Brady and company will still have another shot at immortality, but for tonight, I think it all ended. And it just sucks.
Hats off to the Giants, they brought it and certainly were the better team.
Still, this one is going to sting for a while.