Thursday, March 08, 2007


Updating this on a regular basis is already prooving to be a bit tough. Part of the problem remains, I'm still trying to figure out if I'm trying to achieve anything here.

I'm doing my best to try and get myself as educated as possible about the Web 2.0 world. It's a bit easier said than done, which I'm guessing is a equal parts playing catch-up, battling my own generation tendancies and the sheer massiveness that is the Web. There is just so much out there, that, when combined with my tendancy to constantly menader from one topic to the next, often gets me nowhere. It's the jack of all trades, master of none philosphy that I've always pursued. I tend to always chase down knowledge that I seldom take the time to really digest things in thier entirity. I guess my hope is that all the little bits I pick up with somehow meander there way toward on cohesive eureka moment for me.

For example, take this article I stumbled upon today about a kid who invented a refrigerator that will automatically toss you a beer. Cool ides, but from it, sent me to this site, which seems to be another version of YouTube. I had no idea this site existed, but it looks to be in the same spirit of YouTube. I guess it goes to show that YouTube has become the Kleenex of user-generated videos.

I've got a long way to go. So, on to the fun stuff. But, before I do, I need to give myself a lesson in brevity when it comes to my writing.

New England's golden boy Tom Brady has apparently done it again. A few week's ago it was revealed that his ex was pregnant with his child. Now, he''s done it again with is current Victoria's Secret lady. Even's the man's sperm are the stuff of legend. ESPN's DJ Gallo sits down with a few.

Finally, I never intended this to deal much with politics, but our beloved governer continues to slip-up.

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