Monday, November 23, 2009


Let it be known that 35 might be the line of demarcation for when I crossed from young to old. I’m almost hesitant writing that because I’ve always believed that age was just a state of mind. And for the longest time, I’ve always been stuck mentally at 28, but lately there have been an series of events – most non-descript – over the past month that have me pushing toward believing I may be old.

Before getting there, I should probably explain why I’ve always been stuck at young. Actually in sitting here thinking about how I could explain it, I’ve realized I’m not sure I can. So, at least let me get to what stuck me a few moments ago.

I just saw this piece on ( It’s sample from a new book documenting the Grunge era of music. There’s a photo there of Soundgarden from 1989 and another of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love from 1992…20 and 17 years ago, respectively. It gave me a pang, or maybe a palpitation; I’m not sure which. Either way, they were taken along freaking time ago.

Another came when I recently thought back to when I first entered the workforce. My first hiring manager was 33 when he hired me. I thought he was old and had his shit together. I’m that old guy now and don’t necessarily know that I have my shit together. But in reality, I probably do. What’s worse is most twenty-somethings I work with probably feel the same way.

Again…state of mind, right?

What’s it all amount to? I’m not sure. What I do know is I haven’t been analyzing my life around my birthday in about five years or so, but am clearly doing so again. It was kind of peaceful and I can only hope this isn’t the start of too much self-reflection again. After all, I’m too young for that, right?

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