Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Rock & a Hard Place


Or fucked.

Or maybe quite simply, fucking A.

I apologize for the harsh opening, but that sums up my mood of late. Work is terrible, or I should searching for a new gig is brutal. The job hunt has been ongoing in earnest for months now and I'm no where close to finding a new job. It certainly comes in waves --the seeking, applying, interviewing -- and I've been through three already with no positive outcome. It's a factor of may things from being particular about what I want in a position to the limited number of opportunities available that comes from being more experience. Still, its doesn't make it any less stressful and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't starting to take it personally. After all, nobody likes to feel not wanted.

My current work situation is only compounding matters as things get busier and my focus is completely on the task at hand. Of course, that is mainly because my main task is my job search. So, it stands to reason that my days spent scouring the Internet for news opps would cut into my performance with the rest of the time spent staring at my phone willing it to ring. I can't say it sits well with me to not giving it my all at work, but what can you do. At this point it feels like a bad relationship I can't get out of. Good times.

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