Sunday, November 30, 2008

34, but not me...

My birthday has come to mean nothing over the last few years. Well, perhaps not nothing, but more so that other things have taken over in my life. Namely, my boys. Now, normally my birthday always caused me to reflect, almost to the point of borderline neurosis. However, the birth of my first child stemmed this.

Most people when they turn 30, tend to get quite introspective. But for me, my thirtieth cam less than two weeks before the birth of Nate. I didn't have time to think of me, and that's good, because it was no longer about me. So, instead of spouting reflections of my life, I'd like to take this time to remember some of the moments when my kids of have just melted my my heart. Like the first time we took Nate to the circus and how I will never forget his face watching in amazement. Or, how we went to Sunday River this fall, and how it was the first time Nate was independent, Or, how we had a boys day and Nate and Cam were just being themselves when we went to dinner. I need to make it a point to record when I'm touched by these two. And yes, just having them is touching enough, but sometimes there are just those moments...and I want to remember them all.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Fuck me...

Nearly six months after my last post and I'm pleased to report I'm still a self-loathing asshole. I wish I could find a way to recognize in real-time when life is starting to kick me in the nuts. But, if could I suppose things would be much easier than they are.

Shit seems to be falling apart around me to the point I'm not even sure what is real anymore. Life just gets more revelation there, but shit, I look at the heartache and toughs time that seem to surround myself, my family and my friends and I just don't know what to do. If I could have no wish, it would be for life to just slow down. I want to time to not just think about what's going on around, but to enjoy what's happening in the now. I hate the everything is rushed. And I hate that I can't slow it down and hate even more that I seem to perpetuate everything. I hate that I've used the word hate so much in the last minute.

Fuck...just a bad week I guess. I just want more control. And I want to be able to get my priorities straight. I want to be selfless. Fuck me...

Friday, May 23, 2008


A lot of people define themselves by their careers. I've never thought of myself as one of those people, but do realize there is a big part of me that wants to succeed. Too often I worry it makes me lose sight of the bigger family.

Nate is almost three and half and in keeping with the truth behind cliche's, he's growing up fast. Parenting is tough and there really is no understanding until you do it. For me, it really exposes one of biggest flaws -- well, two -- my lack of patience and my short temper. This is only exasperated by the stress my job brings. Toss in the fact I've been searching for a new gig for over six months now, and I'm often on edge a lot. I'm cognizant of this fact, but too often, it means little in real-time situations.

I need to chill-out and really get better on prioritizing. Things need to change and I need to make it happen. Too often I vacillate between thinking I;m not doing enough, and actually not doing leads to too much turmoil in my head. I need to take charge. But, then again, haven't I been saying this for years. Things need to change and I really have to stop being such a self-loathing, selfish asshole.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Rock & a Hard Place


Or fucked.

Or maybe quite simply, fucking A.

I apologize for the harsh opening, but that sums up my mood of late. Work is terrible, or I should searching for a new gig is brutal. The job hunt has been ongoing in earnest for months now and I'm no where close to finding a new job. It certainly comes in waves --the seeking, applying, interviewing -- and I've been through three already with no positive outcome. It's a factor of may things from being particular about what I want in a position to the limited number of opportunities available that comes from being more experience. Still, its doesn't make it any less stressful and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't starting to take it personally. After all, nobody likes to feel not wanted.

My current work situation is only compounding matters as things get busier and my focus is completely on the task at hand. Of course, that is mainly because my main task is my job search. So, it stands to reason that my days spent scouring the Internet for news opps would cut into my performance with the rest of the time spent staring at my phone willing it to ring. I can't say it sits well with me to not giving it my all at work, but what can you do. At this point it feels like a bad relationship I can't get out of. Good times.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


That was just brutal.

The chance at immortality went up in flash…or as quickly as Eli Manning found a way to avoid a sack and toss up a prayer. And with that play, you just knew it wasn’t going to be for the Patriots.

You would think after the run we’ve had in Boston that this shouldn’t be that big of a deal. But to lose such a shot at history, well, it just stings.

I won’t go so far as to say this was as worse at the 2003 Sox lose, but its there…or maybe it is worse. There is something in me that says this may be the start of a downward trend. It’s as if the clock may have finally stuck midnight and we are about to descend back into the pain we Boston sports fans are so accustomed to. I’d like to think Brady and company will still have another shot at immortality, but for tonight, I think it all ended. And it just sucks.

Hats off to the Giants, they brought it and certainly were the better team.

Still, this one is going to sting for a while.